AAPS New Advocacy Representatives at UBC-O

Dear AAPS Members in Kelowna:

We are very pleased to announce that AAPS now has 4 newly-appointed Advocacy Representatives at the Kelowna Campus. They are:

  • Nythalah Baker 7-9206
  • Anne-Mari Hague 7-8525
  • Jess Roebuck 7-9263
  • Heather Thomson 7-9239

These individuals bring a strong variety of skills, backgrounds and experience to the work.

The role of the Advocacy Representatives is to assist members in resolving workplace problems and to act as the voice of members when dealing with such issues. AAPS members may contact an Advocacy Rep on a confidential basis whenever necessary. The Reps are supported by and have been trained by the professional staff in the AAPS office.

Please join us in welcoming these four representatives to the Advocacy Committee and don’t hesitate to contact one of them should you need assistance.

Best regards,


David Harvey, B.Comm., M.Ed., CHRP
Executive Director, AAPS - UBC
Association of Administrative and Professional Staff
604-822-8230 www.aaps.ubc.ca