United Way Loaned Representative Opportunity

Hello AAPS Members,

In an effort to offer these opportunities to all employees, we've been asked to forward the below message to you.

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Each year, two UBC Vancouver employees are 'loaned' to United Way to serve as an extension of United Way staff by acting as a full-time resource person to Employee Campaign Co-ordinators and committees at various workplaces around the Lower Mainland.

Each employee receives training for this job from United Way and works on the campaign from the end of August to mid-December. Once trained, one of the UBC employees would assist primarily on the UBC United Way Campaign and the other employee would be based at United Way of the Lower Mainland in Burnaby.

All full-time, continuing employees are eligible to apply for these positions. While on loan from UBC, the employees would continue to receive full pay and benefits, but will be relieved of their regular job responsibilities for the duration.

These positions offer a wonderful opportunity to learn some new skills and training while working on a very worthwhile fund-raising campaign.

If you are interested in learning more about this personal and professional development opportunity, do one or more of the following:

  1. Check out the Loaned Rep posting, which is on the UBC Human Resources job postings website and submit your resume.
  2. Go to the United Way of the Lower Mainland website:
    http://www.uwlm.ca/Campaign/Loaned+Representatives/default.htm open link in new window (or tab)
  3. Go to: www.unitedway.ubc.ca open link in new window (or tab)

Eilis Courtney (Loaned Rep 1991)
Senior Volunteer, UBC United Way Campaign
Director, UBC Ceremonies Office
Phone: 604-822-6192

AAPS Members: Clarification of On The Radar Article

Dear AAPS Members:

It has been brought to my attention that in Tuesday’s edition of On the Radar an article of which I was the sole author has been the cause of concern to some people including members of our Executive Board. The article in question dealt with a recent arbitration decision.

The specific concerns that have been brought to my attention are:

  • where the article is in part editorial that some of the language used was intemperate; and
  • that the opinions expressed inclusively using “we” would be construed as being the opinions of the AAPS Executive Board rather than as my personal opinions.

I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that I was the sole author of the article and any editorial opinions expressed in it are mine alone. At the same time I would like to apologize to anyone who may have been offended by the tone of the article. AAPS has always done its best to work collaboratively to resolve issues and will continue to do so on this and other matters in future.


David Harvey, B.Comm., M.Ed., CHRP
Executive Director, AAPS - UBC
Association of Administrative and Professional Staff
604-822-8230 www.aaps.ubc.ca