AAPS Executive Board - First Call for Nominations

Dear AAPS Members:

This is the first call for nominations to the AAPS Executive Board. Elections to the AAPS Executive Board are held each year at our Fall Annual General Meeting in October. The Executive Board is elected by the members of the Association to set the policy and oversee the operation of the Association. In recent years with the hiring of professional staff in the AAPS office Executive Board members have been relieved of most of the administrative functions that previously required much of their time. This has enabled the Executive Board to address policy and oversight issues without requiring an enormous time investment.

All members are encouraged to consider running for the Executive Board if they have the time and interest in doing so. The time commitment is generally one business meeting of approximately 2 hours every 4 weeks and interspersed are a smaller number of 2 hour planning meetings. We usually hold a 1-day retreat in November and a half-day retreat in the spring. From time to time Executive Board members may also undertake sub-committee work on particular issues as time and interest are available.

If you would like information about the role of Executive Board members generally we invite you to connect with any of the current Executive Board members. For information on the elections process or submitting yours or another members nomination please contact either the AAPS office at 822-9025 (or aaps@interchange.ubc.ca) or contact the Chair of the Nominations Committee who is Michael Shepard at 822-6290 or michael.shepard@ubc.ca.

Best regards,


David Harvey, B.Comm., M.Ed., CHRP
Executive Director, AAPS - UBC
Association of Administrative and Professional Staff
604-822-8230 www.aaps.ubc.ca